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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Playfish Country Story on Facebook

Playfish has done it again. They have a new beta game out called Country Story for Facebook.

This is a brief walkthrough of the game...if you missed it the first time around. By the way, this is the hand tool that you can hover in order to get more information.

This is the digging tool. You click on the ground and it will plow to make a plot of soil for you.

This is the watering can. Before you can water your soil, you have to go to the well and fill up your can. You can water your soil multiple times for different levels of moistness. The little number represents how many times you can use the can until it is empty.

This is the harvesting tool. You go to a fully grown patch and harvest your crop.

This is your backpack that holds things that you have collected.

This is your seed tool. You can select what to plant in your soil.

This is your button to go to the town. In town you can pick up more quests to do. But this will be later on in the game. Don't forget to visit your friends for one time items.

This is your storage, or barn. This is where all of the things you harvest are put.

This is your quest button. I suggest not doing anything more than the tutorial. Your quests lead you on from there. If you get ahead of yourself, you have to wait. For example, there is a watering quest, and if you already watered your plots, then you have to wait until the plots become dry before you can continue with more quests.

This is your paint tool. You can change the color of your house/barn

This is your decoration tool to make your farm look more...well, decorated.

This is your gauge. The top is your stamina. Every time you do an action (like watering), you lose points. You gradually gain them back overtime, or when you eat food. The bottom is your green points. You get these points by gardening as well as questing. This is essentially your experience bar.

Edit: 08/27/09 @ 8:57 AM

This is the friendship tool.  You can ask your friends for help as soon as you do favors for them and get closer with them. 

This is what the friendship window looks like.  The highlighted area is the "points" you have to order your friends to help.  Each time they take care of a plot of land, this number is reduced.  The icon below that is your relationship status.  In order to get help (BTW this is also going to be one of your quest so wait till you get it), you would click on the get help button.

When you click on the get help button, the game will ask you to click on the plot of land that person would help.  After you click on the land, you get this image as a hover.  The friend that is taking care of it.

After they help you, as a result, you can check to see what they did.  This is the icon you would click and the result would be the following window.

This is what would pop up after clicking the above icon.
It will tell you what your friends have been doing on your farm.  If they came to take some of your crops, it will be listed here.  Any help that you receive, it will be listed here as well.

More to I play myself.


  1. haha! thats my default of facebook!
    did i just get featured in your tutorial?
    i can't believe you have time to take shots and upload and post!

    thanks for the seed btw. =]

  2. Well, sort of, you got featured. Haha, lucky you. Except your name was all erased, but now whoever reads this post will know that the erased name is supposed to say -------
