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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Earthquake Preparation Kit / Emergency Supplies

I have a friend who volunteers for the red cross and he notified me of getting prepared and told me that we should have a kit ready.  I looked online and found some really good items to keep during an emergency.  You can say this is a comprehensive list from many sites (all government sites, including the red cross site).
  1. Water - Very important.  You should have One (1) gallon per person, per day.  You should have a three day supply for evacuation, and a 2 week supply at home.  This means one person should have 17 gallons of water in case of emergency.  3 gallons in a kit and 14 gallons stored at home.
  2. Food - Foods should be non-perishable such as canned foods, nuts, cereal, powdered milk, etc.  Canned foods should include fruits, meats, and juices.  Crackers and dried foods are also good to have.  Again each person should have a 2 week supply at home, and a 3 day supply in a kit.
  3. Radio - A battery powered or hand cranking.
  4. NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert - A battery powered (Optional).
  5. Batteries - For radio, flashlights, NOAA Weather Radio, etc.  Batteries should be replaced before they expire
  6. First Aid Kit
    1. Sterile Gloves - Latex and non-latex if allergic to latex.
    2. Cleansing Agent - Soap or Antibiotic towelettes.
    3. Antibiotic Ointment - Such as Neosporin
    4. Burn Ointment
    5. Adhesive Bandages - Should have variety of sizes.
    6. Eye Wash Solution
    7. Thermometer - For biological threat.  If someone in your group has a fever, medical attention should be sought and possible quarantine of the ill person.
    8. Prescription Medication - At least a seven day supply.  Ask your pharmacist for an emergency kit supply
    9. Prescription Supplies - Such as needles for insulin shots
    10. Lubricant - Such as Vasoline (Petroleum Jelly)
    11. Aspirin - Or other pain reliever medication.
    12. Anti-Diarrhea Medicine
    13. Antacid - Such as Tums
    14. Laxative
  7. Whistle - To signal for help.
  8. Dust Mask - Such as N95 or Surgical.
  9. Duct Tape
  10. Plastic Sheathing - Large heavy duty trash bags for shelter and protection against foreign substances in the air.  Use duct tape to tape down and seal areas to keep foreign objects out.
  11. Moist Towelettes
  12. Garbage Bags - For personal sanitation
  13. Plastic ties - Zip ties
  14. Wrench or Pliers - To turn off utilities
  15. Manual Can Opener
  16. Local Maps
  17. Call Phone w/ Chargers and Extra Battery - Should be used for emergency contact (not to call people asking whether they felt the earthquake.  Phones get backed up too if too many people call at the same time.
  18. Copies of Documents in Waterproof Continers
    1. Insurance
    2. ID
    3. Bank Account Records
    4. **Note: As you can see that these are valuable and confidential information.  Seek locks or containers that can secure your information.
  19. Cash or Traveler's Check - I prefer cash over traveler's check, because during an emergency, traveler's checks may not be honored.
  20. Sleeping Bag or Warm Blanket
  21. Clothing - At least one pair
  22. Chlorine Bleach - As a disinfectant (Nine parts water to One part bleach) or Emergency Water (16 drops chlorine to One gallon of water).  Also the bleach selected should have no other additives such as cleansing agents.
  23. Medicine Dropper
  24. Fire Extinguisher -  A portable small one.
  25. Matches - Stored in a waterproof container.
  26. Disposable Cups, Plates, Utensils, Paper Towel / Napkins
  27. Paper and Pencil
  28. Entertainment - Such as books, or puzzles for children (and adults =D)
  29. Water Purification Tablets
  30. Scissors
  31. Sunscreen
  32. Signal Flare
  33. Glow Sticks for emergency lights
  34. Utility Knife
  35. Towels
  36. Rain Gear
  37. Feminine Supplies
There is your list...not get busy preparing one.  Remember to renew your supplies and recheck and update your kit every 6 months.  Of course you can add more things according to your needs.  Do you think something else should be listed here?  Comment and send email =).

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