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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How to clean a coffee maker

Over the past few weekends ago, I cleaned a coffee maker.  Why?  I'm not sure...maybe I came across a page that said that to have a great tasting coffee, I need a clean coffee maker.

The steps in cleaning a coffee maker.
Materials Needed:
Coffee Maker (and everything that comes with it)
White Vinegar (you can get the cheap kind for the store brand one's.  It's not like your going to eat it =P)
Coffee Filter

  1. Pour equal parts of water and white vinegar in the water container of the coffee maker.
  2. Put the filter in the coffee maker as you would if you were going to brew some coffee.  (If you have a reusable filter then skip this step).
  3. Turn on the coffee maker and let it use all of the vinegar water.  After it is done, leave the vinegar water in the pot for about 15 minutes.
  4. Pour out the vinegar water and throw it down the drain.
  5. Refill the tank in the coffee maker with water only.
  6. Turn on the coffee maker and let it use all of the water.  When finished, again, leave the water in the pot for about 15 minutes.  (This is so that the coffee maker can have a 15 minute rest / cooling period).
  7. Pour out the water and throw it down the drain.
  8. Refill the tank in the coffee maker with water only (yes, for the second time).
  9. Turn on the coffee maker and let use all of the water.
  10. Pour out the water from the pot and smell the pot.  Smell the water container in the coffee maker.  If it smells like vinegar wait 15 minutes and repeat steps 8 and 10 until you can no longer smell vinegar.
Tada.  And that is how it is done.  You should have great tasting coffee in no time ;)

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